1. Introducción Hace unos meses, conduciendo por la autopista, vi un cartel de la DGT que advertía de la presencia de helicópteros en la zona. Por lo general, cuando voy a realizar un viaje largo, utilizo un navegador como Waze que me informa de radares o incidentes en la carretera....
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Hi everyone! I have been using Neovim for quite some time now and I have to say, I am in love with it. Over the past few months, I’ve been exploring the world of Lua and using it to create custom implementations for various workflows in Python.
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Since the introduction of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) in the aviation industry, we have gained access to real-time information about how aircraft in the sky are organized. We have access to their position, speed, altitude, and other parameters that allow us to infer a lot of information from aircraft. However,...
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